Roads leading to Takhar Province are under control of Taliban in Afghanistan

AfghanistanRoads leading to Takhar Province are under control of Taliban in Afghanistan

Kabul, Afghanistan: No Peace Talks at sight with Kabul government, Afghan Taliban are building their presence on Afghan-Tajik and trying to capture Takhar Province after their successful military campaigns in Kunduz Province.

According to information received at Kabul, Taliban are launching assaults on army outposts and controlling road link between Baghlan province at west and between Kunduz and Takhar Province. Information suggest that patrolling of Afghan National Army has been disrupted from Baghlan to Takhar by sporadic attacks of Taliban.

Taliban killed over 15 Afghan police officers and wounding 19 on Friday attacks in Takhar. Attack on police check post was confirmed by provincial police spokesman Khali Aseir who said post was attacked at night at district of Khwaja Ghar.

Roads leading to Takhar Province are under the control of Taliban in Afghanistan
Roads leading to Takhar Province are under the control of Taliban in Afghanistan

Takhar is multi-ethnic province and is mostly tribal and a rural society located in the northeast of the country next to Tajikistan. It is surrounded by Badakhshan in the east, Panjshir in the south, and Baghlan and Kunduz in the west. The city of Taloqan serves as its capital. Majority of population belong to Uzbeks and Tajiks ethnic groups while Pashtun, Hazara, Pashai, Kho and Turkmen are in minority. It is pertinent to mentioned that Takhar had been ruled by Khanate of Bukhara during 16th century-18th century. This land was gifted to Ahmad Shah Durrani by Murad Beg of Bukhara after a treaty of friendship was reached between them.

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