Russian Culture Center & Punjab Arts Council Organize Islamic Cultural Exhibition

NationalRussian Culture Center & Punjab Arts Council Organize Islamic Cultural Exhibition

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan: The Islamic Culture Exhibition titled ‘Mecca and Medina’ was jointly organized by the Punjab Arts Council and the Russian Culture Center in Rawalpindi on Thursday to show the uniqueness of the visual tradition in the art of Islam.

The religious art displayed in the photo exhibition was from the period of the 12th Century till the 19th Century.

Mushaal Hussein Mullick, the Chairperson of Peace and Culture and wife of jailed Kashmiri Hurriyat Leader Mohammad Yasin Malik, was the chief guest at the exhibition.

Speaking at the inaugural function of the exhibition, Mushaal lauded the Russian Culture Center for holding a rare exhibition on Islamic culture. She said that both the organizations deserve congratulations for organizing this rare exhibition.

Mushaal Mullick said that holding an exhibition on Islamic culture by the Russian Culture Center is the best example of religious harmony.

The Kashmiri leader said that such cultural exhibitions should be held on a regular basis because they would help understand people from different religions and cultures and advocate religious harmony. She said that such exhibitions are vital to educate the world about the essence of Islam.

Mushaal said that Islam is a religion of tolerance and brotherhood; however, the fascist regime in India brutally killed and harassed Muslims in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and even they are being discriminated against in India.

The Russian Cultural Consul General Andrey G Fesyun said that this is our first exhibition on the territory of Punjab in which we have carefully studied Islamic culture. He said that 25% of the population in Russia is Muslim.

Andrey G Fesyun said the program was organized to promote interfaith harmony. He further said that cooperation would continue to promote the culture of both countries.

Naheed Manzoor said that the exhibition reflects the beauty of Makkah and Madinah, in which Russian, Iranian and Pakistani style works of art are displayed. The promotion of Islamic art in Russia is welcome.

At the end of the ceremony, Naheed Manzoor thanked the Russian House in Karachi and said that the Arts Council would organize such programs in the near future.

The exhibition was attended by a large number of people from different walks of life.

Besides, two plays of Russian writer Anton Che with Urdu translation on social issues ‘Shadi Ka Paigham & Tobacco Noshi Kay Mazar Asraat’ were also screened.

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