Saranghae Meaning in Urdu

BlogsSaranghae Meaning in Urdu

The korean word “Saranghae” means “I love you” in Korean. It’s not like the “I like you” or “I care about you” type of love, as it could easily be in English. But rather a word meaning and symbolizing true love. It means that the other person holds a place in the heart of the person saying this.  

Saranghae Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of this word Saranghae in Urdu would be “میں تم سے پیار کرتا/کرتی ہوں”.   

This form is informal, and you can say it to a person close to you without having to specify who you’re talking to because that is clear. But in a more formal way, you need to say  “saranghaeyo”. That’s adding respect to it while saying this to elders. And that would be adding “ آپ “ in the place of “تم” in urdu language.

The un-conjugated word form of the term “Saranghae” is “saranghamnida”. You can also say this to someone and mean that you love them by heart.

The hand symbol for the word “Saranghae” is using the forefinger and thumb to make a heart. It is shown in the picture below. 

Saranghae Meaning in Urdu

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