Syed Ali Geelani laid to rest amid tight military siege in IIOJK

KashmirSyed Ali Geelani laid to rest amid tight military siege in IIOJK

SRINAGAR: The veteran Hurriyat leader and the icon of Kashmir Freedom Movement Syed Ali Shah Geelani was laid to rest in the tight military siege at Haiderpora area of Srinagar in the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) early Thursday morning.

Syed Ali Geelani passed away last night at his home in Srinagar at the age of 92.

In the wake of his death, the Indian authorities had put strict restrictions on the movement of the people, and the whole area was cordoned off.

Although Syed Ali Geelani and his family wanted him to be buried at Martyrs Graveyard in Srinagar but the Indian authorities did not allow it fearing agitation from the people of occupied Kashmir.

Therefore, Syed Ali Geelani was buried just a few meters away from his house in Hyderpora. Only a small number of people mainly some close relatives were allowed to participate in the funeral prayers and to have a last glimpse of the martyred leader.

The Indian army had laid restrictions all across the valley to prevent mammoth gathering on the funeral of Syed Ali Geelani.

Soon after the news of Geelani’s demise spread out, announcements were made from mosques around Srinagar calling out the people to come out of their homes to pay homage to the veteran Kashmir leader.

However, the Indian authorities used coercive measures to dissuade the people from coming out of their homes. Several Hurriyat leaders and activists including Mukhtar Ahmad Waza were rounded up by the Indian authorities as well.

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) also fervently appealed to the people of Kashmir to come out of their homes and hold a large protest against the cruelty of the Modi regime.

The APHC asked the people to hold Gaibana Namaz-e-Janza (funerals in absentia) in every nook and corner of the occupied territory.

The appeal was also made to the Kashmiri and Pakistani diaspora and peace-loving people all across the globe to hold protests and Gaibana Namaz-e-Janaza all across the globe.

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