Taliban sending offers to Kabul government to surrender

AfghanistanTaliban sending offers to Kabul government to surrender

Monitoring Desk:  Reports becoming from Kabul indicate that the Taliban are sending offers to the Kabul government to surrender.

After capturing 250 out of 400 districts of Afghanistan along with state-of-the-art latest US war gear, the Taliban are planning to offer an option to the Afghanistan government, and that offer is surrendering to Taliban commanders.

Since 90 percent of US-allied forces are already withdrawn and Afghan National Army (ANA) has no air cover over their heads as US fighter pilots already left. The supply line of food and weapons has already been disrupted, leaving ANA soldiers totally vulnerable and they are running for their lives and joining the Taliban camp.

Wazhma Frogh, a human rights defender and researcher from Afghanistan informed international media that the Northern successes of the Taliban are unimaginable for the United States and its allies.

“Fuel supplies are not there. Airpower and air cover are not there. Weaponry supplies are not there as these were all done by US contractors who left the war-ridden country without handing over anything to the Afghan government,” said Wazhma Frogh.

Meanwhile, the meeting of Taliban leadership in Moscow is followed by tactical leakages of news. Russian circles indicate that there are fears that the United States wants now to divide Afghanistan into two or more pieces and wants to keep its presence in Afghanistan after such division. However, Taliban circles are of the view that it would not happen because they have already captured entire Northern Afghanistan and southern Afghanistan could fall anytime.

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