Telenor Weekly Call Packages 2020 – Latest Call Offers

PackagesTelenor PackagesTelenor Weekly Call Packages 2020 - Latest Call Offers

Telenor Weekly Prepaid Call Packages

Being a working woman and a housewife, there are so many responsibilities I have to make up through. I am also a mother of two children and it would be giving you an idea of how much busy day I spend. Working at home can at least be shared with a house help but when I am in office, I have to do it all on my own.

As I am serving at the position of Marketing Manager in a company, I have to stay in touch all day long with our clients, vendors, accounts department, creative team, and everyone connected under my department.  In addition to that, I have to stay alert about my kids who take a drop from me in the morning to their school but they come back home via school van.

Well… no working mom can stay satisfied without being in touch with family, school management, and kids while being at the office. So it’s my routine that I call the school and talk to my kids to check if they are doing well there or otherwise I call at home to stay in touch with every situation.

In this way, my mobile phone usage goes up to all day long as I can’t stay out of contact with anyone either from work or that of my family. I was in so much trouble with getting overcharged bills from Telecommunication Company and all worked to ruin by budget timeline for the month. A friend of mine, who is also a working woman, suggested me to switch to Telenor call packages and given me all the details regarding weekly packages which are light on pocket and convenient to subscribe every week.

It was a sigh of relief for me. I purchased Telenor Prepaid Sim and explored the details of its weekly packages so that I can save a good amount and can also stay in touch with everyone all day long. Telenor Weekly Prepaid Call Packages offer a wide range of options as per the requirement and suitability of a user at most economical rates. Have a look at the details of these packages!

telenor weekly call packages

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