Thank you for making me stronger by bullying me

BlogsThank you for making me stronger by bullying me
Tusbiha Kamran Cheema
By Tusbeeha Kamran Cheema


By Tusbeeha Kamran Cheema

Everyone is gonna make a big mistake, everyone is gonna fail an examination. And that’s it. When you fail you will learn more. You will try again. And if you fail again, you will try again.

You know bullying is something that just destroys your future. But some people like me will never give up. I got a lot of bullying but who am I today, I the person I was born like.

To give up is a failure

Many people call me ugly, you smell, you are the ugliest girl. Smile and say, thanks for making me stronger by bullying me. I don’t know what “I can’t do it” means. You can do everything if you just try. Some people always say that failure is not an option. But it is. Because when you fail, you will raise yourself up and try again. So failure should be an option because you will always learn something by making a mistake. To give up is a failure. Never be afraid of failure, what you do next after failure is what will you be. Everyone has a talent. But talents are sometimes hidden. So it’s your job to end it by showing your hidden talents.

Let the failure come and help you

Every person has a dream. And if you have a dream, then failure is important. But never give up. No matter whatever people say about you. We don’t need them. You are focusing on your dream, and they are focusing on destroying their time; being jealous of other people. And if I am not myself, then who do I want to be? Who can I be? The answer is nobody.

You were born like you are. And that’s it. Be the one you want to be and love yourself so you can give your love to everyone. Don’t say I am having a bad day; say I am having a character-building day. Tomorrow is a gift. Work hard, don’t give up. Let the failure come and help you. The failure is a sign that you are on your way. Take the first step, and then the other. Dream big it’s okay if someone is laughing at you, keep going, look at the sky.  I am TUSBEEHA KAMRAN, I know that my future is waiting for me. I have something I should be patient for. Yes, it’s not easy. I’m getting bullied a lot. I fail all the time. But that’s what life is. The person reading this, please never give up even if you make 100 mistakes. Close your ears to the other. And focus on your dreams, your education.

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