“Thought Center” launched for providing analytical writings, researches about Eurasian regions

“Thought Center” launched for providing analytical writings, researches about Eurasian regions

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: An independent Information hub has been launched from Islamabad, providing a Database of analytical and critical writings, researches, and general content about Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and South Asia.

“DND Thought Center” offers linkages among researchers, academia, decision-makers, and parliamentarians of South Asia, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe. It will carry out its work with researchers and analysts who are Master’s and Ph.D. students, Ph.D. Candidates and holders of doctoral degrees, administrative personnel, and seasoned diplomats.

The Thought Center is an analytical wing of DND News Agency that provides Strategic and Methodical solutions through Public Diplomacy.

Related Link: DND Thought Center brings changes in Eurasian research

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