Tripartite Meeting in Dushanbe: Sustainable Afghanistan is must for integration of region

Central Asia and Eastern EuropeTripartite Meeting in Dushanbe: Sustainable Afghanistan is must for integration of region

Tripartite Meeting in Dushanbe: Sustainable Afghanistan is the factor for integration and development of the region

Dushanbe, Tajkistan:  “Sustainable Afghanistan is the factor for integration and development of the region and constructive cooperation between the three countries is strongly needed for the regional sustainable development”.

This was crust of Tripartite Meeting of heads of states of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan held in Dushanbe on July 6, 2017.

Pakistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan expressed their firm resolve to fight with international terrorism and extremism and recognize the importance of strengthening trilateral and multilateral cooperation on fight against the extremism, terrorism, illicit drugs trafficking and other transnational organized crimes. All three countries also expressed their support to “Kabul Process”.

Pakistan and Tajikistan acknowledge that sustainable Afghanistan is the factor for further integration of the region’s countries and emphasize the importance of constructive cooperation between the three countries for the regional sustainable development

President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, President of Afghanistan Muhammad Ashraf Ghani and the Prime Minister of Pakistan Muhammad Nawaz Sharif were firm that strong interaction among all three countries is the must to fight out terrorism in the region.

During the meeting held in a sincere, cordial and friendly atmosphere, the Leaders discussed the ways of further strengthening and development of trilateral and multilateral cooperation, as well as topical regional and international issues.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, having appreciated the shared historic, religious and cultural values and bonds between the peoples of the three countries, emphasized the importance of further enhancement of mutually beneficial relations in all areas that meet the interest of sustained peace and stability, socio-economic development, progress and solidarity of the three countries and the entire region.

It was decided to establish a Joint Working Group on Security at the earliest possible and undertake necessary and coordinated efforts to exchange in urgent information, ensure reliable border cooperation, design joint operations on liquidation of terrorists and all sources of their financing and also prevent promotion of extremist and radicalization ideas through cyberspace.

Leaders of three countries decided to establish “Joint Commission on Trilateral Cooperation between Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan” under the leadership of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs or the ministers and heads of other relevant authority of the three countries and develop and implement strategy of trilateral political, economic, trade, transport and communication, industrial, agricultural, cultural, educational, environmental and people-to-people cooperation through this platform.
They also decided to boost trade and economic cooperation between the three countries, they instructed the chambers of commerce and industry to consider the issue of arrangement of regular joint exhibitions of industrial, agricultural and handicraft goods, joint economic, trade and investment fora and other publicity events and undertake necessary activities.

Islamabad Correspondent adds:

Foreign Office Pakistan released following statement:

Addressing the meeting, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif appreciated the initiative of President Emomali Rahmon as an opportunity to collectively reflect on the common challenges such as under development, poor connectivity and infrastructure and extremism and terrorism. Prime Minister emphasized Pakistan’s commitment to modernize facilities for speedy transit of goods to and from Afghanistan and Tajikistan through Pakistani seaports. In order to streamline regional transit traffic, he emphasized early finalization of Trilateral Transit Trade Agreement..

The leaders of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan also agreed to take measures for early implementation of the CASA-1000 project which was a harbinger for power transmission from Central Asia to South Asia and promoting sustainable economic and social development in the region. Prime Minister thanked President Rahmon for holding a Quadrilateral meeting earlier in the day, among, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and other international partners in the project.

Prime Minister welcomed President Emomali Rahmon’s proposal for establishment of a Tripartite Ministerial Commission to strengthen trilateral cooperation in political, economic and social spheres.

While highlighting Pakistan’s sacrifices and successes in countering terrorism, Prime Minister reiterated Pakistan’s firm resolve to eliminate the scourge of terrorism. Prime Minister also reiterated Pakistan’s desire for lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan which was a prerequisite for regional security and prosperity. He said Pakistan will continue to support all efforts to ensure durable peace in Afghanistan through political dialogue under Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process.

Describing terrorism as a serious threat to peace and stability, Prime Minister emphasized that effective border management was vital to combat the menace of terrorism by preventing cross-border movement of terrorists. In this regard, Prime Minister stressed on the need to strengthen the Quadrilateral mechanism formed by Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and China in August 2016 for combating terrorism.


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