TTP regrouping in Pakistani tribal areas

NewsTTP regrouping in Pakistani tribal areas

Islamabad, Pakistan: Pakistan Army continues to run after terrorists who are regrouping in restive tribal areas of Pakistan.

“Early spring action of terrorists is not unanticipated as they have operational support of Indian intelligence agency RAW and Afghan intelligence agency NDS”, claim security circles.

Top leadership of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is living inside Afghanistan. Pakistan army had handed over a list of 76 most wanted terrorists to Afghan authorities for their arrest. However, Afghan intelligence agency is allegedly providing operational support to TTP to conduct its actions inside Pakistan.

Pakistan Army on Monday conducted Intelligent Based Operation (IBO) in Ping Area FR Tank and killed son of deceased Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leader Asmatullah Shaheen Bhittani who was killed in 2014.

TTP is an Islamist pro-Pashtun terrorist group which is active against state of Pakistan since 2007 having its headquarter in Kunar province of Afghanistan.

According to official statement of Pakistan Army released on Monday, Umar son of Asmatullah Shaheen was among four high profile terrorists who were eliminated in Tank.

TTP terrorists sitting inside Afghanistan are building up pressure in Pak-Afghan bordering areas which were cleared by Pakistan Army in Operation Zarb-e-Azb.

Pakistan Air Force (PAF) carried out multiple air strikes in North Waziristan Agency on Sunday after receiving information about regrouping terrorists in Wucha Bibi area of North Waziristan.

Pakistan after apparent failure of diplomatic channels conducted cross-border strikes inside Afghanistan on Friday and Saturday for killing TTP leadership inside Afghanistan.

Ministry of Defense (MoD) of Afghanistan confirmed that Pakistani forces resorted shelling in Sarkano district of Kunar province and killed two civilians. However Pakistani media claimed that Pakistan Army conducted strikes inside Afghanistan killing over dozens of TTP members.

There were hectic diplomatic efforts seen in Islamabad on Monday to defuse border tension between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan Omar Zakhilwal met with Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz to discuss cross-border strikes.

Pakistan Foreign Office claims that both (Pakistan and Afghanistan) countries agreed to work for better relations while Afghan Ambassador said that the meeting was “positive” and both sides would take measures to bolster relationship.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan on its facebook claims that Afghan Ambassador has handed over a list of 85 terrorists and 32 terrorist training centers to Pakistan. Afghan Foreign Minister claims that these 32 terrorist centers were working inside Pakistan.

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