Two-Day Training on Strategic Export Controls and Commodity Identification held in Peshawar

Foreign OfficeTwo-Day Training on Strategic Export Controls and Commodity Identification held in Peshawar

PESHAWAR, Pakistan: A team of Strategic Export Control Division (SECDIV) conducted a two-day capacity building training at Customs House in Peshawar on March 10-11, 2021.

Representatives of the enforcement agencies including Customs, Frontier Corps, Quarantine Department of the Federal Government, and Pakistan Post participated in the training.

This was aimed at further strengthening the implementation of Export Control on Goods, Technologies, Material and Equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems Act-2004 (SECA-2004), and enhancing awareness on the UN Security Council sanctions regime with a focus on the tools and methods for effective national counter proliferation efforts.

Over the two days, lectures, presentations, and discussions were held on various aspects of strategic export controls, identification of sensitive commodities, implementation of the UN Security Council sanctions, and national counter proliferation efforts.

The SECDIV team also visited the Sarhad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI) to sensitize the business community on relevant aspects and emphasized the importance of due diligence for safe and secure trade.

The training event was part of the SECDIV routine Annual Outreach and Capacity Building Plan.

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