U.S. Air Force intercepted two aircrafts in no-fly zone in southern Florida where President Obama was playing golf.

HeadlinesU.S. Air Force intercepted two aircrafts in no-fly zone in southern Florida...

Florida: American fighters were raised to intercept two aircraft for violating the no-fly zone in southern Florida, where President Barack Obama President’s Day decided to relax and play golf.

According to CNN , the U.S. Coast Guard helicopter and F-16 fighter jet took off when the radar recorded flight of a small plane Cessna 152 over the town of Palm City around noon local time. The plane was caught and forced to land. Five hours later another F-16 was alerted at this time due to fly to Palm City double Lancair 320. A private jet was warned changed course and flew past the closed area.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
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