Ukraine launched attack against rebels around crash spot of MH17 after contract of rebels with Malaysian government

Eastern EuropeUkraine launched attack against rebels around crash spot of MH17 after contract...

Ukraine launched massive attack against rebels around crash spot of MH17 after contract of rebels with Malaysian government for full access to international investigators

Ukraine launched massive attack against rebels around crash spot of MH17 after contract of rebels with Malaysian government for full access to international investigators  Monitoring Desk, Donetsk, Ukraine: Ukraine launched massive attack against rebels around crash spot of MH17 after contract of rebels with Malaysian government.

Despite the commitment for not attacking rebel forces within the 40 km radius of MH17 crash spot, Ukrainian forces has launched a massive attack against rebels that has halted visit of international experts on the crash spot.

On Sunday morning, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak and Alexander Borodai, the leader of the separatist forces had a contract for allowing full deployment of international police personnel to enter the crash site.

Situation is complex why Ukraine has started this attack when international experts and police were about the reach the crash spot?

Malaysian electronic media talking and claiming that this is fourth time Ukraine army despite of international commitment started attacking areas around MH17 crash without any stipulated reason.

According to Ukrainian authorities,  the Ukrainian security forces are making efforts to free the territory of crash spot from rebels to ensure international security experts and the opportunity to make an examination. Representative of the information center of the Council Andrey Lysenko at the briefing on Sunday said that the security forces are making efforts to free the territory of the fall of Boeing from “terrorists “to ensure the access of international security experts. However he did not explain why this action is taking place when rebels have a contract with Malaysian government to give full access to the crash spot and Malaysian Prime Minister is satisfied with his contract with rebels.

The Ministry of justice of the Netherlands on Sunday announced the agreement on the access of experts to the site of the crash between the rebel militia and representatives of the OSCE mission. However OSCE group of international experts and OSCE staff was not able to travel to the crash site because of massive attack of Ukrainian Army that is trying to control Shakhtersk, the city on the highway between Donetsk and Torez, which is located next to the crash site.

It may be mentioned that President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has instructed the Ukrainian military “not to use fire” in a radius of 40 kilometres around the site of the crash. However, an hour before the start of fighting in Shakhtersk, which is located 10 kilometers from the crash site MH17, local residents saw a large column of armed forces with around 40 armored personnel carriers and BMD, several tanks, dozens of trucks encircling roads leading to crash spot of Mh17 and using heavy weapons and a barrage of rockets on town and area around crash site.

Rebels claim that Ukraine force attack confirms the fact that Kyiv is trying to destroy evidence of a crime of war—shooting down of MH17. “The junta in panic, the main thing for them now is to get away from revelations”, – quote the representatives DND words Premier Alexander Beard, who drew attention to the fact that the statement of the NSDC has made exactly when the international experts finally launched a full-scale work at the crash site.

It may be mentioned that Prime Minister Malaysia released a statement early morning of Sunday confirming he has reached a contract with rebels who are providing full access after handing over Black boxes to Malaysian authorities. His statement is as follow:


Malaysia has secured an agreement with Ukrainian separatists, who control the area around the MH17 crash site, to allow a group of international police personnel to enter the area in order to provide protection for international crash investigators.

Pursuant to the earlier agreement between Prime Minister Najib Razak and Alexander Borodai, leader of the separatist forces, Mr Borodai today agreed to allow a deployment of international police personnel to enter the crash site.

Prime Minister Najib has today spoken to the prime ministers of the Netherlands and Australia, and the three grieving countries have agreed to work closely together in deploying police personnel.

68 Malaysian police personnel will leave Kuala Lumpur for the crash site on Wednesday as part of the international deployment.

Under the original three point agreement brokered between Prime Minister Najib and Mr Borodai last week, the Ukrainian separatists agreed to:

transfer the black boxes to Malaysia; handover the human remains to international officials;

and grant full access to the crash site for international investigators.

So far, international air crash investigators have been unable to properly deploy across the vast crash site in eastern Ukraine and collect evidence due to ongoing security concerns, including continued military activity. Malaysia calls for an immediate cessation of all military activities in and around the crash site.

Malaysia is concerned that these security concerns are preventing full and unfettered access to the site, and therefore a proper, independent investigation from being carried out. Moreover, Malaysia is particularly concerned that some human remains may still be at the crash site.

Malaysian officials are discussing the details of the police deployment with the Netherlands and Australia. Malaysian Foreign Minister, Anifah Aman, has been speaking to his international counterparts and officials from the Ukrainian government on the legal and diplomatic framework for the deployment.

Malaysian Transport Minister, Liow Tiong Lai, has been leading on the MH17 investigation, working closely with the head of the investigation in the Netherlands.

Speaking earlier today, Prime Minister Najib Razak said:

“I am deeply concerned that international investigators have been unable to properly deploy to the crash site because of the volatile security situation. It is imperative that we deploy a full team of investigators to ensure that all the human remains are removed from the site, identified and repatriated. Everyone who was on board MH17 must be afforded proper dignity and respect.

“We also need a full deployment of investigators to have unfettered access to the crash site so we can understand precisely what happened to MH17. I hope that this agreement with Mr Borodai will ensure security on the ground, so the international investigators can conduct their work.

“Three grieving nations have formed a coalition to secure the site. Through our joint deployment of police personnel, the Netherlands, Australia and Malaysia will work together to achieve justice for the victims.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
All the information published under this Author is via Web desk/Team/Contributors. Opinons and views of the Organization may differ from the views represented here

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