US report on HR violations against minorities exposes Modi ugly face: Mushaal

KashmirUS report on HR violations against minorities exposes Modi ugly face: Mushaal

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Chairperson of the Peace and Culture Organization Mushaal Hussein Mullick said that the annual US report on arbitrary arrests, extra-judicial killings and violence against religious minorities in India exposed the ugly and fascist face of Narendra Modi before the world.

Mushaal, the wife of illegally detained Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Yasin Malik said the annual US report has painted grim picture of human rights of religious in India and Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

She said that US State Department’s 2021 HR Report revealed that curbs on free expression and media continued in India.

The hurriyat leader stated that gravity of the situation could be judged from the fact that the occupation authorities have booked over 2,300 persons under draconian law UAPA since 2019.

The chairperson lamented that muslims in India are vulnerable to communal violence and discrimination due to the lack of accountability and widespread impunity enjoyed by the brutal forces in India.

Mushaal expressed alarm that intolerant towards Muslims in India and IIOJK witnessed a dangerous upsurge under notorious Modi regime, making India a hell for minorities to live.

She stated that BJP and RSS have been diligently working on their Hindutva ideology since 2014, which is both hate-ridden and supremacist, as they treated Muslims, other minorities as second class citizens.

The hurriyat leader went on to say that fascist BJP government is trampling upon fundamental freedoms of religious minorities in India but the world powers and human right organizations largely observed criminal silence on it.

She said that Modi was on a mission to purge India of it minorities especially Muslims, which clear indicated from his government policies of genocide of Muslims and committing war crimes.

Mushaal warned that rising Hindutva terror is becoming a potent threat to regional peace and security of South Asia; hence the UN bodies and world powers should not only release reports but should take practice steps to stop the fascist Modi government from committing genocide of Muslims in India and IIOJK.

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