Uzbekistan Parliamentary election: Uzbekistan goes for vote today

Recent PostUzbekistan Parliamentary election: Uzbekistan goes for vote today

Uzbekistan goes for Parliamentary elections today

Uzbekistan Parliamentary election: Uzbekistan goes for vote today


Monitoring Desk: The people of Uzbekistan are going to vote its parliamentary election on today December 21, 2014 where 535 candidates from four parties are contesting for to 135 seats in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis (lower house of the Uzbek parliament).

Four political parties are contesting elections including the Liberal Democratic Party, People’s Democratic Party, the Democratic Party Milly Tiklanish (National Revival), and the Social Democratic Party Adolat (Justice).

The Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan was form on 15 November 2003 and party has more than 243,000 members in 9282 of the primary party organizations.

The main objectives of the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan are:

– To organize into a political force, to open up a new opportunities for broader activities of entrepreneurs and business people, both theoretically and practically justify their perspective, to effectively protect the interests of this layer of society and, ultimately, to ensure their future. On behalf of this class Uzbekistan enters the political scene and takes its rightful place.

– To mobilize the forces and capabilities of the Party to develop and implement, jointly with other parties and movements, the action programs that meets the national interests of the country and strategic perspectives of its development, relating mainly to the construction of a democratic, based on the principles of market economy, rule of law, the creation of opportunities for the development of civil society, bringing to consciousness of citizens, particularly young people, the introduction in life of the people the democratic values.

– To ensure the Party active participation in governing the State and its influence on the emerging social attitudes, political and economic reforms. To help solve vital problems of socio-economic and political development of the State, to increase the international authority of Uzbekistan, the keep peace and tranquility, the strengthening of interethnic and civil accord in the country. Make a worthy contribution to the education of young people in a spirit of respect, love and pride in their Homeland, ready at all time to protect and promote the independence, spiritual values, national and religious traditions and customs of the people, respect the interests of other Nations and peoples, to fight against attempts to undermine their interests.

– To bring to consciousness of the wider public, the liberal-democratic ideas and values, which are the political platform of the Party, to organize and conduct well-reasoned work to promote the Party policy for strengthen its ranks. Nominate their candidates, who have loyalty to the ideas of the Party and won the trust of voters, to the representative and executive bodies of state power.

People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (abbreviated – PDP Uzbekistan) was form on November 1, 1991 and it operates 10,150 primary organizations directly uniting the party.

Currently, the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan has a membership of more than 392,000 members (as of September 1, 2014).

The main objectives of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan are:

– Protection of the interests of the general population, who are in need of targeted and social protection of the state and society.

This – workers for hire without professional qualifications, permanent job and a solid earnings; people with disabilities, seniors, low-income families, people in need of financial assistance, social benefits and other forms of targeted social protection. In addressing the social problems connected with the interests and vital needs of people, the party also counts on the support of those who are interested in a harmonious social development and social safeguards in the future;

– creating equal conditions for everyone in career choices, education and reliable guarantees workplace after graduation; the formation of a flexible system of pensions and social benefits to ensure full satisfaction of the vital needs of pensioners, disabled persons with disabilities, children without parental care;

– further development of the initiatives of the party groups in the local councils of people’s deputies in the development and approval of medium-term investment programs for the development of production of goods and services, balanced with regional job creating and training programs for specialists with secondary vocational education and higher education. Particular attention is paid to the production of competitive goods from local raw materials, and the development of services for the provision of which the necessary resources and the demand of the population are available.

The Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milly Tiklanish” was created on June 20, 2008. Number of party members are 176, 676  and party runs 5327 primary party organizations.

Main objectives of DPU “Milliy Tiklanish” are:

– creation of favorable conditions for growth of national consciousness, formation and strengthening feeling of national pride, fidelity and love for the country of the citizens of Republic Uzbekistan.

– Uniting patriots of the country around the Party, mobilization of their intellectual and creative potential for serving Uzbekistan and in raising country’s international prestige;

– Making effective contributions into the patriotic education of youth in the spirit of respect, love and pride for Motherland, readiness in any conditions to protect and defend national independence, values, traditions and customs of the people, struggle against attempts of infringement of its spiritual needs and interests.

The highest supreme body of the Party is Congress which is convened not less than once in five years.

Social-democratic party of Uzbekistan “Adolat” (SDPU “Adolat”) was founded on February 18, 1995 at the first Founding Congress of the party.

SDPU “Adolat” has currently 102, 000 members which are united in 3200 primary party organizations.

Prime objectives of SDPU “Adolat” are:

– intensifying democratic processes on strengthening national independence;

– training people who serve for Motherland on creating legal-democratic state in Uzbekistan;

– helping citizens of Uzbekistan to realize their rights, freedom and tasks, devolopping citizens’ political culture;

– based on national traditions and customs training young generation by studying our sacred cultural inherit;

– strengthening relations among the nations, devoloping friendship and unity, struggling against religious extremism and terrorism, propagandizing unity, peace and quietness among religions and nations;

– developing state executive system, training leaders and specialists who love their people and serve for Motherland;

– improving social life of citizens of the republic, creating suggestions and recommendations on providing social protection of the people;

– developing international relations with foreign countries and encouraging external policy;

– protecting rights and freedoms of skilled specialists, pedagogues, doctors, engineers, technicians, scientists and others.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
All the information published under this Author is via Web desk/Team/Contributors. Opinons and views of the Organization may differ from the views represented here

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