Watch video of suicide blast outside Data Darbar

Operation Radd-ul-FasaadWatch video of suicide blast outside Data Darbar

Lahore, Pakistan: Video of suicide blast outside Data Darbar Lahore on May 8, 2019



Suicide bomber wearing black shalwar Kameez aged around 15 to 20 year looked like citizen of Afghanistan, claimed Lahore Police. Timecode of footage indicated that blast took place at 0854 hours of Pakistan Time (Lahore Time). Suicide bomber was carrying a bag in his hand and he according to footage came out from a fruit shop and started moving towards Gate 2 of Data Darbar where two vehicles of Elite Force Police were parked under an canopy type while shade.

Dead bodies and injured persons were moved to Mayo Hospital and Lahore General Hospital. This is second time Data Darbar was targeted by terrorists.

Data Darbar is the largest Sufi shrine in South Asia. It was built to house the remains of the Muslim mystic, Abul Hassan Ali Hujwiri, commonly known as Data Ganj Baksh, who is believed to have lived on the site in the 11th century CE. The site is considered to be the most sacred place in Lahore and attracts up to one million visitors to its annual urs festival.

In 2010, Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) conducted two suicide blasts inside Data Darbar and 45 persons were killed.

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