Why every business should have a TikTok Profile in 2020

BlogsWhy every business should have a TikTok Profile in 2020

5 Reasons Your Business Should Have A TikTok Profile

TikTok started off as Musical.ly, and the music was what it was about. What began as an app that was all about lip-synching on dialogues and songs has now turned into a video content business. It has taken Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram and merged them into one app.

TikTok is the new IT with youngsters, and this is why your business has to have an official profile there. Let’s discuss all the reasons why:

Audience, Audience, Audience

If there was one word on why you need to be on TikTok, that would be the audience. The number of people who are on this app, especially from the 18 to 34 age brackets, is insane. If you are someone looking to target the young audience, this is the platform you do not want to let go of. Not just youngsters, but TikTok has over 1.5 billion users, which means every other social media user is on it. Your target audience hangs out here.

Highly Active Users

TikTok is seldom the app people install and leave passive. Even those who do not post are scrolling through their feeds watching videos after another. It is an immersive experience because video content is a big game in the world of social media. From audio to video, you are providing users with a chance to engage to the best of what you have to offer. This is the reason that your business has to be on TikTok because everybody wants to know what’s happening in the world. Pro Tip: It has to be engaging!

Attention Grabber!

TikTok has the best full-screen format. When one is watching videos, there are no side distractions. This means that if you are putting out your content, those few seconds or a minute are the ones a user is completely dedicating to you. Your only job is to produce such content that makes the user hang out, watch the complete video and check your out further. You don’t even have to vie for their attention, because they are ready to give it to you. Good news: an average user spends around 52 minutes a day on TikTok. If you are not using these 52 minutes to push out your content, what else are you busy at?

Everyone Else Is On TikTok

If not for the other reasons, you need to be on the platform, because everyone else is on it. From food brands to grocery stores and sports teams, every business is on TikTok. The brands that target a young audience are especially taking the full benefit of this platform. You can push out your content both organically and through paid ads just like every other social media. Go join TikTok before your competitor gets the best out of it.

Nonstop Enjoyment!

While everything else fails, create a business profile on TikTok because it is fun. When users see their favourite (or not so!) brands joining in the fun, they tend to like them even better. While we do agree that it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but your ideal customers want to see the light and fun side of their favourite brands. Give them that advantage and a place to connect with you authentically.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
All the information published under this Author is via Web desk/Team/Contributors. Opinons and views of the Organization may differ from the views represented here

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