Zarpash Chughtai – Founder of Zarpash Hair Solutions

Life and StyleZarpash Chughtai - Founder of Zarpash Hair Solutions

Zarpash Chughtai is known for her hair and she shares her knowledge of hair care to help her audience. The idea of Zarpash Hair Solutions was popped when she used to receive high volume of queries for what uses on her hair from her fellows and followers.

Zarpash Hair Solutions is almost a two-year-old hair care brand which sells 100% organic products. The people buy their products mostly because of the trust they have built in her hair care advice.

Lavender & Berries is considered to be their hot seller and contains ingredients like Ribes uva-crispa, Melia azedarach & Lavender which are proven to control hairfall, accelerate hair growth and stop dandruff

They sell Zarr Elixir Hair Oil which is for rough, dry, and damaged hair.

They have an organic shampoo too which balances your scalp PH.

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