67 more people succumb to COVID-19 in Pakistan

67 more people succumb to COVID-19 in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Country recorded 67 more COVID deaths and an 8.18% positivity ratio on August 5, according to the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC).

In the last 24 hours, 57,981 people were tested across the Country to ascertain the infection, and out of them, 4,745 were found positive.

From among the total 67 fatalities recorded on August 5, 28 happened in Sindh, 19 in Punjab, 12 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 3 in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), 2 each in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) and Gilgit-Baltistan, and 1 in Balochistan.

With fresh statistics, the total number of Coronavirus Cases in the Country has mounted to 1,058,405.

Out of them, 394,748 Cases have been reported in Sindh, 361,458 in Punjab, 147,026 in KPK, 89,569 in ICT, 30,967 in Balochistan, 26,086, in AJK, and 8,551 in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Whereas a total of 23,702 people have died of Coronavirus so far in the Country including 11,141 in Punjab, 6,126 in Sindh, 4,507 in KPK, 809 in ICT, 639 in AJK, 330 in Balochistan, and 150 in Gilgit-Baltistan.

In total, 954,711 people have recovered from the disease throughout the Country and 79,992 are still under treatment.

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