Tourism Spots in Islamabad

TourismTourism Spots in Islamabad

Names of tourism spots in Islamabad are as following;

  • Fatima Jinnah Park (F-9)
  • Shah Faisal Mosque
  • Lake view Park
  • Shakar Parian
  • Saidpur Model Village
  • Peer Sohawa View Point
  • Pakistan Monument
  • Lok Virsa Heritage
  • Museum of National History
  • Shrine of Bari Imam
  • Shrine of Peer Meher Ali Shah
  • Hiking Trail (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6)
  • Margalla Hills
  • Rawal Lake
  • Shahdara Picnic Point
  • Rose & Jasmine Garden
  • Play Land Park
  • Lotus Lake Family Park

Most of the visitors facilities at most of the tourist spots in Islamabad have now been upgraded /renovated.

Besides, the Capital Development Authority (CDA) established almost 27 fountains as recreational and 9 Libraries & Gyms as an extra-curricular initiative in different sectors of Islamabad from 2005 to 2010.

The approximate cost incurred for recreational initiatives i.e. fountains for Rs 151.766 million and the approximate cost incurred for extra-curricular initiatives i.e. libraries & Gyms was Rs 41.250 million.

The said recreational facilities i.e. fountains were being operational regularly on rate running contract for January 2015 to January 2017 & January 2018 to January 2019.

However, due to the bifurcation of CDA & Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI), the subject recreational facilities of fountains have been fully shifted to the MCI Authority and it was decided that the said fountains be operationalized and maintained under the Cooperative Social Responsibility (CSR) by different private companies at their own cost.

In this regard, 9 fountains have been handed over to the different private companies under the CSR program.

Presently, these facilities are dysfunctional due to the financial constraints of the authority. Moreover, the said facilities were tantamount purely for the public and beautification of the Capital City.


Note: The above information was shared by the Minister for Interior Sheikh Rashid Ahmed in written replies submitted in the National Assembly on August 6, 2021.

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