10,000 soldiers of Daesh are present in Afghanistan, says Russia

Afghanistan10,000 soldiers of Daesh are present in Afghanistan, says Russia

Monitoring Desk: Russian intelligence networks warn Moscow about presence of over 10,000 soldiers of Daesh in Afghanistan near Central Asian borders.

Russian Special Presidential Envoy for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov, who is serving in the region since Soviet era, has questioned United States, United Nations and NATO forces about unidentified helicopters in Afghanistan which are reportedly transporting weapons for Daesh.

“Moscow hopes to receive a comprehensive response from the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and NATO regarding the helicopters without identifying insignia which deliver weapons to the militants of the Daesh terrorist group to Afghanistan” said Zamir Kabulov in an interview with state run Sputnik News Agency.

Zamir Kabulov
Uzbek-born Kabulov, is graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and is considered as “Most Credible Expert of Afghan war” among Russian diplomatic circles.

Zamir Kabulov (Russian: Замир Кабулов) is a career diplomat and served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Afghanistan until September 21, 2009. Uzbek-born Kabulov, is graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and is considered as “Most Credible Expert of Afghan war” among Russian diplomatic circles. He also served in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran during Russo-Afghan war (1979-1988).

Zamir Kabulov during his interview with Sputnik claims that Daesh (Islamic State) has “foreign sponsorship” in Afghanistan.

“We have repeatedly drawn attention to the cases of the use of helicopters without identifying insignia in various regions of Afghanistan to transfer Daesh militants and deliver Western equipment provided for the terrorist group,” Kabulov claimed.

He stated that Moscow raised this issue during a UN Security Council session and is awaiting clear response on the issue from the UNAMA.

“We are regularly asking our NATO partners, who are in fact controlling the airspace over Afghanistan, about this issue, but we have not heard any reasonable answer yet,” Kabulov stressed.

Kabulov believes that there are more than 10,000 Daesh fighters in Afghanistan and their number is increasing as they are relocating to Afghanistan from from Syria and Iraq.

Kabulov, who is also Director of the Second Asian Department in Russian Foreign Ministry, believes that Daesh has significantly increased its power in Afghanistan and Daesh militants are concentrated in the northern Afghanistan, creating a serious risk to Central Asian security. He believes that Daesh is building up in borders with Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

“Daesh has a clear aim of spreading influence beyond Afghanistan, which they consider to be their stronghold. This poses a serious security threat, especially for the Central Asian countries and the southern regions of Russia,” Kabulov added.

Kabulov stated that Russia wants (wanted) Afghan government to engage in constructive dialogue with the armed opposition (Taliban) “based on conditions acceptable for both sides.

He appreciated the role of Afghan National Security Adviser (NSA) Mohammad Hanif Atmar, who according to Kabulov, contacted Russia to persuade the Taliban to sit at the negotiating table.

“Kabul’s call is a positive signal, however, Russia’s ability to contact and influence the group should not be overestimated. It is well known that all countries in the region, as well as some countries not beyond it, have contacts with Taliban. The interested regional and international partners should contribute to the establishment of a peace process,” Kabulov stressed.

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