ICF, Lok Virsa to organize Pakistan Mother Languages and Literature Festival

Life and StyleICF, Lok Virsa to organize Pakistan Mother Languages and Literature Festival

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Indus Cultural Forum (ICF) in collaboration with Lok Virsa will organize a two-day third Pakistan Mother Languages and Literature Festival at Lok Virsa in Islamabad from February 17.

The two-day festival would include multilingual poetry recitations, musical evening, discussions over various literary genres, launching of books written in several languages, screening of documentaries and films, an official of ICF told the state-run news agency on Tuesday.

Over 200 writers, intellectuals, critics, poets and artists from over 20 languages from all over the country are expected to discuss the diversity of Pakistani languages from historical perspective, the challenges they are facing in the wake of global media onslaught, technological development during the festival.

An official of Lok Virsa said that keeping in view two-day long literature festival across Lok Virsa, Mandwa Film on February 17 will be screened at the Faiz Heritage Library.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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