Silk Road a great achievements of ancient civilizations, says Ambassador Turkmenistan Atadjan Movlamov

Central Asia and Eastern EuropeSilk Road a great achievements of ancient civilizations, says Ambassador Turkmenistan Atadjan...

Islamabad, Pakistan: The Ambassador of Turkmenistan in Pakistan, Atadjan Movlamov has said that the Great Silk Road is considered to be one of the successful achievements of ancient civilizations and Turkmenistan believes that Silk Route as one of the important means to connect nations and cultures.

Addressing here on Monday at a discussion titled “Turkmenistan – Heart of the Great Silk Road”, Ambassador Atadjan Movlamov was of the view that Turkmenistan gives special attention to connectivity among countries and nations.

Ambassador Turkmenistan Atadjan Movlamov
Ambassador of Turkmenistan in Pakistan, Atadjan Movlamov has said that the Great Silk Road is considered to be one of the successful achievements of ancient civilizations

Retired Major Gen Hafiz Masroor Ahmed of CGSS while addressing discussion said that Turkmenistan and Pakistan enjoy (enjoyed) cordial relations.

Azat Satlykuliev, Second Secretary of Embassy of Turkmenistan in Islamabad highlighted the importance of international trade routes from China to Middle East via Amul, Merv, Sarakhs, Abiverd, Nisa, from Near East countries to Russia via Dehistan and Kunyaurgench, to India via Zemm used to cross the territory of Turkmenistan in ancient and medieval times and also the prospects of tourism and Desert Race Amul-Hazar 2018, International Rally, which was held in Turkmenistan.

It may be mentioned that Pakistan–Turkmenistan enjoys cordial bilateral relations since Turkmenistan became an independent state after the disintegration of former Soviet Union. Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognise the independence of Turkmenistan in December 1991.

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