Azerbaijan care those who sacrifices for their Motherland, says President Ilham Aliyev

EuropeAzerbaijan care those who sacrifices for their Motherland, says President Ilham Aliyev

By Rouhana Azizza

Solid Nations do not forget who sacrifice for their motherlands.
Azerbaijan has a long history of martyrdom and sacrifices due to Armenian aggression over Azerbaijani nation.
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev always considers such people who sacrifices for their motherland as member of his family and always care them.
Recently, a ceremony was held in Nizami district, Baku, to hand over apartments to families of martyrs and those who lost their limbs in protecting their motherland.
President Ilham Aliyev gave residential building constructed for disabled people along with keys of cars.

Photo by AZERTAC News Agency

President met with a group of martyr families and the Karabakh war disabled who were provided with apartments and cars.
Attending ceremony, President Ilham Aliyev said that it was a very significant day and families of martyrs and those handicapped in the Karabakh war were provided with new apartments and cars.
“You deserve it. I have repeatedly said that the memory of those who have become martyrs in the name of the Motherland is always dear to us. The people of Azerbaijan always keep the memory of martyrs in their hearts. It is our moral duty to create conditions for those who participated in the war and became disabled”, stated President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev while talking to receivers of apartments and cars.
It is pertinent to mention that in recent years, more than 7,500 apartments and houses and about 7,000 cars have been provided to families of martyrs and people disabled in the Karabakh war.
Government has planned to provide at least 1,500 apartments and private houses net year to such families.
This year, over 4.2 million Azerbaijani citizens – more than 40 percent of population were covered by a large social package.

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