Armenia-Azerbaijan standoff and negotiation platforms

EuropeArmenia-Azerbaijan standoff and negotiation platforms

Monitoring Desk: Armenian aggression continues against the Azerbaijani civilian population but at the same time Yerevan is losing grounds and Azerbaijan has liberated several areas that were previously occupied by Armenia.

The city of Jebrayıl and several villages of Jebrayıl district, three more districts, and over 15 villages have been liberated by Azerbaijan.

City of Jebrayıl and several villages of Jebrayıl district, three districts and over 15 villages have been liberated by Armenia

Russia is offering a negotiation platform to Armenia to whom it supplies weapons and arms and to Azerbaijan whose territory was occupied by design even during the era of the former Soviet Union and thereafter.

“This negotiation platform suggested by Russian State Duma deputy Ruslan Belbek is offered at the venue of in the occupied and militarized Crimea”, reports the mouthpiece of the Crimean Reintegration Association.

Crimea is a disputed land as like Kashmir occupied by India and Nagorno-Karabakh occupied by Armenia.

How negotiation and peace dialogue can be held at another disputed place, is a question that needs to be answered before parties accept such an offer.

Ukrainian Media indicates that it is not the first year that Russia has tried to legitimize the attempt to annex and occupy the peninsula by offering some international event at Crimea.

“With such provocations, the Kremlin wants, on the one hand, to find for itself, albeit for a short time, the status of a “peacemaker”, and on the other – to make the process of reaching real agreements between the warring parties unrealistic. After all, both Baku and Yerevan understand that “Crimean talks” are possible only under the pressure of international Crimean sanctions, and conditions of complete isolation under the control of Russian special services and the military”, reports the mouthpiece of Crimean Reintegration Association.

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