PM Imran Khan meets allies to garner support on electoral reforms

PoliticsPM Imran Khan meets allies to garner support on electoral reforms

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Minister for Interior Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has said that Prime Minister Imran Khan is meeting the allies today and hoped they will also support the government’s electoral reforms.

Talking to the media persons in Islamabad on Monday, Sheikh Rashid said that he also backs Prime Minister Imran Khan’s stance of introducing Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) to end rigging in the elections.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-led federal government had planned to table the proposed electoral reforms bills regarding the use of EVMs and the introduction of I-voting for Overseas Pakistanis in the next polls in the Joint Session of the Parliament last Thursday.

However, later, the government postponed the Joint Session after struggling to ensure the presence of the required number of members and due to reservations shown by its allies over the bills.

Sources said that the Joint Session of the Parliament will now be convened on Wednesday which will legislate on electoral reforms.

The interior minister further said that those plotting to internally destabilize Pakistan will not be allowed to succeed in their designs.

Sheikh Rashid that Pakistan is faced many challenges and the situation in the neighborhood warrants the opposition parties demonstrate patience and pursue a prudent course.

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