4 million Syrians are refugees, UN report

Recent Post4 million Syrians are refugees, UN report

4 million Syrians are refugees, UN report

Monitoring Desk: UN report on Syrian refugees indicates 4 million Syrians have fled abroad since the outbreak of civil war in their country. Report fears that total number of refugees will reach upto 4.27 million by the end of year 2015 if flow goes on same pace.

4 million Syrians are refugees, UN report released

“This is the biggest refugee population from a single conflict in a generation,” UN refugee chief Antonio Guterres said in a statement issued on Thursday.

“The dire situation in the region is pushing a wave of refugees to seek escape in Western Europe, taking increasingly risky paths as European countries resist the flow. “We cannot afford to let them and the communities hosting them slide further into desperation,” Guterres said.

Report further indicates that refugees crises is the largest of last 25 years. According to report, over 1.8 million Syrians fled to Turkey alone.

UNHCR report said the total number of Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries is over 4,013,000 people.

It may be mentioned that over 230,000 people have been killed in Syrian conflict in March 2011.

Meanwhile, Zaman newspaper of Turkey wrote that a recent wave of people leaving Syria and an update of Turkish statistics confirm the tragic milestone, according to the UN refugee agency, UNHCR.

UNHCR report said that 7.6 million additional people are displaced from their homes within Syria.

Turkey has seen much of the recent flow. In June alone, according to UNHCR, more than 24,000 people arrived from northern Syria amid fighting between the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group and Kurdish militants. The more than 1.8 million Syrians in Turkey have made it the biggest host of refugees in the world, an expensive undertaking that the country is bearing mostly out of its own treasury.

Syrian crises is becoming more complex as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is on killing spree and international response has yet to control ISIS to gain more ground in Iraq and Syria. After extreme situation at Syrian-Iraq borders, Syrian people are fleeing to Turkey that has an open border and many of them are trying to reach Europe.



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