Sijdah Hussain

Content Marketer with 7+ years of experience in the content industry from writing to advising - Sijdah has an extensive experience to work in a fast paced work culture in both b2b and b2c industries.Sijdah is a workplace H&S enthusiast and tries to provide a good work culture to her team members - because a safe and healthy work culture means good productivity, lower absenteesism and higher success rates.

Umbrella Academy Season 3: Spoilers, Theories and KugelBlitz!

Umbrella Academy season 3 is out and I can’t get enough of these lovable weirdos with daddy issues the size of an entire universe...

Top 6 Underrated Pakistani Singers you probably haven’t discovered yet

Music isn’t as supported as a career in Pakistan as it is in our countries. Therefore, it is usually difficult for underrated Pakistani singers...

Top 5 songs by Hasan Raheem in 2022

If you don’t already know who is Hasan Raheem and why is he an on-going sensation ever since he laid down his first official...

How to avail the Sasta petrol, Sasta diesel scheme announced by Government

As everyone took a breath of relief when the Sasta Petrol Sasta Diesel scheme was launched by the Shehbaz Sharif's Government of Pakistan and...

Top 10 Family Movies on Netflix for summer’22

We have worked hard to make this list of top 10 family movies on netflix for you because what better way to do it...

Top 5 Worst Pakistani Dramas with the most questionable content ever!

Every once in a while, you feel like supporting your own country’s creative content but end up feeling confused … maybe even a little...

Systematic Violence on Animals and the Role of Education in it

The debate if animals were made for humans and whatnot has been that of the century so far. Whenever we talk about animal abuse...

Top 5 songs by Azaan Sami Khan

Azaan Sami Khan takes after his father when it comes to his voice, and has been giving us great songs since starting his musical...

IT Mustakbil (ITM) Training Program by Systems Ltd. in Pakistan

Systems Limited, a mid-scale company with 5001-10,000 employees, has taken the initiative to increase IT awareness for the masses. The company has partnered with...

Top 10 Pictures of Merub Ali that highlight her versatile personality

Merub Ali has been making our hearts beat a little faster and making our days feel a little lighter ever since her debut in...

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