China plans to launch 40 rockets including Changzhen-5 in 2018

NewsChina plans to launch 40 rockets including Changzhen-5 in 2018

BEIJING, China: China plans to launch 40 rockets including its most powerful at the moment Changzhen-5 (Great March-5) in 2018, as reported by China Daily.

China will launch 35 carrier rockets Changzheng (Great March), as well as five solid-fueled rockets from Quaizhou.

As per China Daily, the Chinese scientists will continue to work on the third launch of Changzhen-5 after an unsuccessful second in July last year. However, the Chinese authorities still do not report what caused the failure of the mission.

The third launch was to take place at the end of November last year. It was planned that the launch vehicle would deliver to the Moon the Chang’e-5 probe, which was to land on the lunar surface, collect samples of the lunar soil and return to Earth.

If the third launch is successful, it will be the preparation for new manned missions, the launch of the module of the Chinese space station in 2019, and the launch of the Chang’e-5 lunar probe.

In the coming year, China will launch more than 10 navigation satellites to create a network of 18 Bedou-3 satellites that will provide services to the Countries of the One Belt, One Road initiative. It is planned that 35 Beidou-3 satellites will form a global navigation system by 2020. At the moment, China has put into orbit 23 satellites to ensure navigation.

This year, two Beidou-2 satellites will also be launched which will replace the long-lived satellites.

China’s space plans for 2018 also include launching of two satellites of Earth remote sensing with a high resolution of Gaofen-5 and Gaofen-6.

In February, China will launch its first observation satellite for the electromagnetic field AD 78-139. His task will be to collect data on electromagnetic fields, ionospheric plasma and high-energy particles.

The launch of the Kuaizhou-11 solid-fuel rocket, which is to launch six satellites into orbit, is scheduled for the first half of 2018.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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