Human Rights Ministry Celebrates National Working Women’s Day

Women RightsHuman Rights Ministry Celebrates National Working Women’s Day

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Ministry of Human Rights organized an event in Islamabad on Wednesday to celebrate National Working Women’s Day.

The Federal Minister for Human Rights Dr. Shireen Mazari, the Secretary Human Rights Inamullah Khan, senior officers, and the all-female working staff of the ministry attended this event.

The day was declared as National Working Women’s Day by the government of Pakistan in 2010 to recognize women’s contribution in the socio-economic development of the Country.

Men are no longer considered as the only bread earner of the household as the role of women has changed drastically with their growing presence in all professions.

In her address, the federal minister for human rights said that this day is to commemorate efforts of the working women who are not just working in offices but also at homes and they are financially supporting their families by adding a major contribution in household income.

Therefore, there is a need to appreciate and acknowledge their role at all levels.

The minister added that though the number of working women is increasing day by day and the greater presence of women can be seen at top echelons but our society is not satisfactorily sensitized or cognizant about the difficulties working women are facing. There are still certain barriers that they have to cross to prove themselves beneficial for working markets.

Dr. Shireen Mazari urged that there should be a change in rules for working women like maternity rules to make the working environment more enabling for them.

The minister said that we are in constant struggle from the forum of our ministry to create more working options available and to provide equal employment opportunities to the women population in our country.

While speaking on this occasion, the Secretary Human Rights Inamullah Khan said that role of women, in the progressive movement and all spheres of life, has always been a driving force for strengthening of society but we still have to go a long way for more emancipation of women that could only be achieved by breaking many long-existing taboos to make an egalitarian society.

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