Kashmir Council to be formed to fight Kashmir case effectively: Mushaal

KashmirKashmir Council to be formed to fight Kashmir case effectively: Mushaal
  • Indian forces are enemy of humanity: Hurriyat leader

LAHORE, Pakistan: Mashaal Hussain Malick, wife of incarcerated senior Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik, said that Kashmir Council would be formed in order to fight the Kashmir case at the international level affectively.

Speaking to media along with President Lahore High Court Bar Association on Monday, she said that soon the council would be constituted in association with Lahore Bar.

Mushaal, who is also Chairperson Peace and Culture organization, vowed that the Kashmiri people would fight the Kashmir case together with lawyers at the international stage vigorously.

Mushaal said that the occupied forces unleashed a wave of barbarism and terrorism to silence the voices of freedom fighters. She said that Indian occupying forces are using all brutal means against Yasin Malik despite his fast deteriorating health condition.

The chairperson said that the sole of crime of Yasin Malik is to raise the voice for the birthright of right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people.

However, she vowed that the Indian fascist government and the brutal forces should bear in mind that neither they could silence Yasin Malik nor Kashmir people till materializing the dream of the right to self-determination.

She went on to say that the Kashmiri people would fight the Kashmir case through legal means and no power could deprive them of their long-denied freedom for a long time.

Mushaal said that Indian is committing the crime of changing demography of the occupied valley illegally through use of brutal force by bringing Hindu settlers to the occupied territory.

She said that the proportion of the IIOJK population is being changed in sheer violation of international law and UN resolutions but even then the world community is looking at the situation like a silent spectator.

The Hurriyat leader stated that the Indian Army is committing serious human rights violations in the occupied valley and made the life of the dwellers a hell. However, she lamented that the United Nations observed criminal silence over the Indian unabated barbarism and atrocities.

She termed India as a terrorist country, which is not only committing genocide of Kashmiris but also involved in sending weapons to Afghanistan to create unrest in the region.

The Chairperson said that the Indian forces are the enemy of humanity, who are thirsty of Kashmiri blood; however, she vowed that the Kashmiri people could not be deterred through the use of power.

She demanded the UN, world powers, and Human rights organizations to fulfill and honor their promises made with the people of Kashmiri people to let them live a life as per their free will.

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