FM Qureshi discusses range of issues with his Tajik Counterpart in Dushanbe

Foreign OfficeFM Qureshi discusses range of issues with his Tajik Counterpart in Dushanbe

DUSHANBE, Tajikistan: The Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi held a bilateral meeting with the Foreign Minister of Tajikistan Sirojiddin Muhriddin on the sidelines of the Council of Foreign Ministers meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO-CFM) in Dushanbe on Monday.

Recalling the recent visit of the President of Tajikistan to Pakistan, the two foreign ministers resolved to further enhance bilateral trade, promote regional connectivity and strengthen people-to-people linkages in line with the vision of the two leaders.

The two foreign ministers reviewed the entire range of bilateral relations, with particular focus on reactivation of Joint Ministerial Commission, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; enhancing parliamentary linkages and early completion of CASA-1000.

The Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi emphasized the importance of regional connectivity; transit trade mechanisms and cooperation in the fields of education and tourism between Pakistan and Tajikistan.

They also exchanged views on the recent evolving situation in Afghanistan.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi apprised his Tajik Counterpart of Pakistan’s facilitator role to achieve durable peace and stability in Afghanistan.

The foreign minister reiterated that there was no other way except an inclusive, broad-based, and comprehensive political settlement in Afghanistan. He expressed the hope that the Afghan leaders would recognize the urgency of the situation and seize the historic opportunity.

The foreign minister reiterated Pakistan’s consistent support for a peaceful, united, stable, and prosperous Afghanistan.

Appreciating the close cooperation between the two Countries at the multilateral fora including at SCO, Qureshi congratulated his Tajik Counterpart on successful stewardship of SCO under the Tajik Chair this year.

The two sides agreed to continue to remain in contact.

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