Save Money By National Saving Certificates – All You Need To Know

GeneralSave Money By National Saving Certificates - All You Need To Know

How to Save Money With National Saving Certificates?

National Savings Center is an initiative by the government throughout the country to put your savings in one place that not only helps you save it, but the profits help you incur a steady income as well. These centers throughout Pakistan help people of varied income and savings levels to buy certificates in exchange for the amount they deposit. The individual in return of the certificate gets the profit (monthly/ six monthly/ yearly) depending on the bond they have bought.

Some of the savings certificates and their profit returns include:

Special Savings Certificates

The Special Savings Certificate is for those who have low to moderate savings and they want to invest. The minimum saving amount for this national saving certificate starts from Rs500 and can go up to whatever amount you wish.

It has a maturity period of three years. Profit is payable on the completion of six months and ranges from Rs5500 to Rs5900 depending on the investment.

Defense Savings Certificates

Among other national saving certificates, the defense Savings Certificate is for the long-term investors who are looking for an opportunity to save a steady amount and make an income out of it. The minimum saving amount starts from Rs500 and has no upper limit.

It has a maturity period of ten years. Depending on the updated profit rates 2019, on every investment of 100,000Rs, the profit starts from 106,000.

Behbood Savings Certificates

It is another national saving certificate with a 10-year maturity period, these certificates are for widowers and senior citizens who want to have a safe deposit for their life ahead. The minimum investment on these certificates is Rs5000 and as per the recent profit rates, the monthly profit starts from 1040Rs on the investment of 100,000Rs.

Regular Income Certificates

With the maturity period of 5 years, the minimum amount required to invest in these certificates is 50,000Rs. The profit is paid monthly and is currently Rs910 on the investment of 100,000Rs.


If any of these certificates intrigue you, and you would like to invest in National Savings Certificates, you can purchase the certificate from your nearest branch, State Bank of Pakistan, or Post Office.

The documents required include B-form/ CNIC/ NTN Certificate depending on the individual purchasing.


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