Pakistan lawmakers reject baseless propaganda against China

Senate of PakistanPakistan lawmakers reject baseless propaganda against China

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Senate of Pakistan has rejected the baseless propaganda against China from certain quarters, which stems from geopolitical rivalry and more an attempt to divert world attention from their own internal failings.

As the Upper House resumed its proceedings on COVID-19 in Islamabad on Thursday, it passed a unanimous resolution expressing deep appreciation to China for its strong support and timely assistance to Pakistan during the current Coronavirus crisis.

The Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Raja Zafar-ul-Haq moved the resolution.

The following text is of the resolution thanking China for supporting Pakistan on Coronavirus Crises;

The Senate of Pakistan, taking note of China’s strong support and timely assistance to Pakistan during the current Coronavirus Crises, expresses its deep appreciation to the Chinese government and people for their unflinching role as ‘all weather friends’ of Pakistan.

China’s support to Pakistan has helped to combat COVID-19 by protecting out people and saving lives as well as providing our health workers with testing kits, protective gear and ventilators at a time when these were badly needed plus sending medical teams.

The Senate of Pakistan also commends the government and people of China, led by President Xi Jinping, who showed leadership in this crises through clarity of vision by taking decisive and timely measures to combat the Coronavirus effectively in China.

As ‘Iran Brothers’, both Pakistan and China are collectively confronting this ‘common enemy’, the Coronavirus, which is a threat to humanity, irrespective of Country, race or religions. In this contest, the Senate of Pakistan rejects the baseless propaganda against China from certain quarters, which stems from geopolitically rivalry and is more an attempt to divert attention from their own internal failings as it has no factual basis.

The Senate feels that this resolution, just prior to May 21, which marks the 69th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China on May 21, 1951, is an auspicious occasion to celebrate the resilience of Pakistan’s time tested friendship, which is evident from China’s consistent support to Pakistan on Kashmir, CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) and now on COVID-19.”

The lawmakers also called for evolving a uniformed policy to deal with the novel Coronavirus pandemic.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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