Pakistan proposes synergies among SCO, CIS and CSTO to fight terrorism

Foreign OfficePakistan proposes synergies among SCO, CIS and CSTO to fight terrorism

New York: Pakistan has proposed to develop synergies among member states of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), reports DND News Agency from New York.

While participating in UNSC Debate on “The UN Cooperation with Regional and Sub-regional Organizations in Sustaining Peace and Security: Contribution of the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO in coping with Terrorist Threats”, Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shah Mahmood Qurashi was of the view that terrorism and organized crime continue to pose serious threats and despite the successes achieved against Daesh in Iraq and Syria, the group continues to manifest and evolve its outreach and tactics.

Pakistan proposes synergies among SCO, CIS and CSTO to fight terrorism
Pakistan proposes synergies among SCO, CIS and CSTO to fight terrorism

He stated that Daesh has emerged as a major security threat and can be a major destabilizing factor for all regional countries because Daesh continues to be strengthened by returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs).

He was of the opinion that such threats require greater international cooperation between regional organizations and the United Nations.

He stated that Pakistan welcomed the recent signing of the MoU between SCO-Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (SCO-RATS) and UN Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate.

He was of the view that several member states of SCO, CIS and CSTO have extensive experience of fighting terrorism and the secretariats of the three organizations should develop synergies, whereby these countries can contribute to the capacity building needs of others.

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