President Trump released video of his UNGA engagements with important world leaders including with PM Imran Khan

Government of PakistanPresident Trump released video of his UNGA engagements with important world leaders...

New York: US President Donald Trump has tweeted a video of his UNGA engagements with important world leaders and this video include Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan.

His meeting with PM Khan was candid and after meeting they had open and candid press talk. President Trump during his press talk along with PM Khan stated several times that he is impressed by PM Khan and Pakistan has a wonderful leader.

Donald Trump also expressed happiness over the progress that Pakistan had made countering terrorism.

“They’ve (Pakistan) made great progress.  And under this leader (Imran Khan) — he’s a great leader — I think he wants to make great progress because there’s no solution the other way.  The other way is only going to lead to death and chaos and poverty.  It’s all it’s going to lead to.  I mean, he understands it.  Your Prime Minister understands it,” the US president said.

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