SALT organizes event ‘Celebrating the Power of Women Leaders’

NationalSALT organizes event ‘Celebrating the Power of Women Leaders’

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan: In connection with on the International Women’s Day, the Social Awareness and Leadership Training (SALT) organized an event “Celebrating the Power of Women Leaders” to acknowledge and recognize the contribution and important role of the minority women leaders in political, development, social, education and medical sectors.

Speaking at the occasion, the Member National Commission for Minorities and Director SALT Albert David acknowledged the importance of women leadership in the overall development of the community.

Albert David also appreciated the role that women leaders are playing in the International community. He reiterated the value of women empowerment in the progress and development of the Country.

The women leaders appreciated the initiative of the SALT saying that the recognition is not only a recognition but also is energy booster to go further in making our society and country a better place.

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