Terrorist organizations involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan

Operation Zarb-e-Azb--- A War against TerrorismTerrorist organizations involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan

Organizations found actively involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan during the last three years (2019-21);

  • Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamat (SWJ) Ex-SSP
  • Al-Qa’ida
  • Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA)
  • Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF)
  • Balochistan Liberation United Front (BLUF)
  • Balochistan RaajiAjoi-R-Sangar (BRAS)
  • Balochistan Republican Army (BRA)
  • Daish/ISIL/IS/ISIS
  • Hizb-ul-Ahrar (HuA)
  • Hizb-ul-Tahreer
  • Jaish-e-Islam
  • Jamat Ul Ahrar (JuA)
  • Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM)
  • Jandullah
  • Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ)
  • Lashkar-e-Islami
  • Sindhu Desh Revolutionary Army (SRA)
  • Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP)
  • Sipah-i-Muhammad Pakistan (SMP)
  • Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
  • United Baloch Army (UBA)
  • Zainabiyyon Brigade


Organizations Proscribed by the Ministry of Interior u/s 11-B-(1) r/w schedule-I, Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 during 2019-21;

Name of OrganizationDate of Notification
Balawaristan National Front (Abdul Hameed Khan Group)26 February 2019
Jamaat-ul-Da’awa (JuD)05 March 2019
Affiliated Organizations:

·        Al-Anfaal Trust, Lahore

·        Idara-e-Khidmat-e-Khalaq, Lahore

·        Al Dawat-ul-Irshad, Lahore

·        Al-Hamad Trust, Lahore/Faisalabad

·        Mosques & Welfare Trust, Lahore

·        Al Madina Foundation, Lahore

·        Maaz Bin Jabal Educational Trust, Lahore

Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FIF)05 March 2019
Affiliated Organizations:

·        Al-Fazal Foundation/Trust, Lahore

·        Al-Easar Foundation, Lahore

Pak Turk International CAG Education Foundation18 April 2019
Hizb-ul-Ahrar (HuA)26 July 2019
Balochistan RaajiAjoi-R-Sangar (BRAS)26 July 2019
Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz- Aresar Group (JSQM-A)07 May 2020
Sindhu Desh Revolutionary Army (SRA)07 May 2020
Sindhu Desh Liberation Army (SLA)07 May 2020
Khatam-ul-Ambia19 August 2020
Ghazi Force25 August 2020


Organizations Under Watch by the Ministry of Interior u/s 11-D-(1) r/w Schedule-II, ATA 1997

Sachal Sarmast Welfare Trust, Karachi13 June 2019
Al-Jaza Patient Welfare Society, Karachi13 June 2019



Note: The above information was shared with the Senate on July 29, 2022 by the Interior Minister Rana Sana Ullah in reply to a question by Senator Palwasha Muhammad Zai Khan.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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