Ukrainian government survived No-confidence vote but crises intensified

Eastern EuropeUkrainian government survived No-confidence vote but crises intensified

Ukrainian government survived No-confidence vote but crises intensified

Kiev, Ukraine: Though Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk survived a No-confidence vote on Tuesday evening, a political crisis has further deepened as differences between the President Poroshenko and Prime Minister has come on surface.

Only 194 members of parliament supported no confidence motion out of the House of 339 on February 16, 2016.

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Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk

Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk considers himself a commodore of fight against former President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014 that started from Maidan Euro and Yanukovych had to leave country. Yatsenyuk is a former speaker of parliament and former foreign minister. Yatsenyuk was one of the main opposition leaders who were in contact with United States and EU leadership for the removal of Yanukovych. While President Poroshenko came on the scene much after changes took place.

Yatsenyuk took up his post in worst circumstances when Russia was busy in annexing Crimea and then insurgency started Eastern Ukraine.

Ukrainian economy is crumbling and surviving on rescue package given by Western countries but Western countries are accusing Ukraine for wide-spread corruption in the system and demanding reforms before releasing aids and loans. Almost two western-backed reformers have resigned from the job while claiming that strong political group allegedly backed by President Poroshenko was main hurdle in introducing reforms to snub corruption in the country. President Poroshenko asked Prime Minister Yatsenyuk to step down on February 16 and claimed that PM Yatsenyuk had lost the support of the coalition and the trust of people. However, results of voting indicated otherwise and PM survived the vote of no confidence with clear majority.

While speaking at the floor of the House of the parliament, Yatsenyuk said that his government had done all it could under difficult circumstances and he supported reforms while calling them the only way to survive.

“We have built the foundations for a new country. Let’s build a new Ukraine: do not stop. Reforms are the only way forward,” he said.

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