Who play at LoC? Indian politicians? Pakistan Army? Or Taliban?

IndiaWho play at LoC? Indian politicians? Pakistan Army? Or...

DND Special

Who play at LoC?
Indian politicians?
Pakistan Army?
Or Taliban?

There is no justification for Pakistan to engage itself at its eastern border when it is playing to snub Taliban at its western borders. There is no justification for Pakistan to act stupidly and involve itself who can attack and strike anywhere in Pakistan where they wish to strike. Then why Pakistan is opening its eastern border at LoC? Answer is big NO.

Pakistan has no way, no justification and no desire to do it rather it looks that Pakistan is being trapped by Indian forces or by non-state actors like TTP that wishes to disintegrate Pakistan and unfortunate to say has moral backing of religious forces within Pakistan. Religious forces are pushing Pakistan for a dialogue with TTP that is on rampage non-stop to kill everybody —from soldiers to common people.
India must understand that defeat of Pakistan in the hands of extremists will no way support India because next destination for “Installing hardcore Islam” will be New Delhi by defeating “infidels”.
India Foreign Office spokesperson, Syed Akbaruddin, has said that India will not hold talks with Pakistan till matters of cross border firing and army are not fully resolved and Pakistan should also take action against Hafiz Saeed in order to help the Pakistan-India relationship. Saeed is alleged to be responsible for the 2008 Mumbai attacks in India.
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had called for a “new beginning” in relations with India amid high tension over the disputed region of Kashmir, in comments published Tuesday.
Such situation will only help those who always wish to disengage Pakistan from dialogue with India and wish to conquer the India actually. An article published in the Hindu rightly says as follow:

“What could New Delhi potentially gain by not talking to Islamabad? Those advocating the “no talks” option are not really offering any alternative. The fact is that there is no alternative. The only other alternative, other than refusing to talk, is military action against Pakistan which if carried out on Pakistani territory, under the existing balance of military power in the subcontinent, is bound to end in disastrous results for New Delhi. In other words, military retaliation against Pakistan is militarily and politically unviable. Calling off the dialogue process with Islamabad, then, will be a strategically ill-advised decision. New Delhi can do so, but sooner or later, it would be forced to revive the dialogue process again. Therefore, not only should India redouble its efforts at engaging Nawaz Sharif but also explore the possibility of establishing backchannel contacts with the Pakistan Army”.


Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
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