Drone attacks detrimental to Pakistan’s efforts to contain violence: PM Nawaz

PakistanDrone attacks detrimental to Pakistan’s efforts to contain violence: PM Nawaz

NEW YORK: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday said the use of armed drones is a continued violation of international laws and detrimental to Pakistan’s efforts to contain violence in the country.

In his speech at the UN General Assembly session, Prime Minister Sharif said the war against terrorism must be waged within a framework of international laws and urged the United States to cease predator strikes, which, he said, were counterproductive.

Pakistan calls upon international community to give Kashmiris to their right of self-determination in line with the UN assembly resolution, he said, noting that the issues remain unresolved after seven decades. “The suffering of people of Jammu and Kashmir cannot be brushed under carpet because of power politics. Kashmiris should be given the right to self-determination.”

Sharif continued: “I extended an invitation to Dr Manmohan Singh to engage with us on all outstanding issues.” “Our two countries have wasted massive resources in arm race. We still have this opportunity that Pakistan and India can prosper together. We stand ready to re-engage with India through a substantive and meaningful dialogue.”

“I look foward to meet Dr Singh here in New York and want to make a new beginning. We have a solid base on that. We can build on 1999 Lahore accord,” he said.

The prime minister recalled that he hosted Afghan President Hamid Karzai and shared his goals for peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan. “We support Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process, leading to national reconciliation.”

“We don’t wish to interfere in Afghan’s internal matters. We have earnest hope that Afghans will unite for the progress of their great country,” he added.

Premier Sharif also strongly condemned the twin blasts on a church in Peshawar. “This heinous attack has united all Pakistanis in support of their Christian brethrens. we observed a three-day mourning.”

The prime minister also spoke about the issue of terrorism.

“We condemn terrorism in all forms and manifestations,” he said. “We have given huge sacrifices, have lost 40, 000 lives, including those of children and women besides 8, 000 security personnel.”

“We are resolved to opposing terrorism by all means at our disposal,” he said. “This must change now. I have tried to forge a national consensus on the issue of terrorism.” All parties, he added, spoke unanimously against terrorism in the APC.

“We offered dialogue to end violence, to integrate all segments of the society and bring them to mainstream life.” The dialogue, he clarified, is not a tool of appeasement.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
All the information published under this Author is via Web desk/Team/Contributors. Opinons and views of the Organization may differ from the views represented here

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