PFUJ observes demands day: Federal govt accepts journalists’ demands for wage board award, compensation

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ISLAMABAD: The federal government has accepted demands put up by the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) for compensation, insurance, formation of 8th wage board and security of media houses and press clubs.

Speaking to journalists gathered at a sit-in before the Parliament House in Islamabad on Thursday, the Federal Secretary for Information and Broadcasting Dr. Nazir Saeed announced compensation plan for killed and injured media men.

The President PFUJ Afzal Butt, President Rawalpindi Islamabad Union of Journalists (RIUJ) Ali Raza Alvi and other representatives of the journalists led the negotiations with the government.

The secretary said that the ministry worked on a plan of action to accept demands of the journalists and now a journalist killed in line of duty will get Rs one million as compensation while an injured journalist will get Rs300,000.

Dr. Nazir Saeed said that a special desk will be set at Press Information Department (PID) to facilitate media workers in getting life insurance through the Employees Old Age Benefit Institution (EOBI). He said that the government has also worked on a plan for providing effective security at media houses and press clubs.

The federal secretary for information and broadcasting said that special public prosecutors will be appointed at federal and provincial levels, speedy trials will be held and witnesses will be provided protection in cases of media men killed in acts of violence.

The secretary said that steps are being taken for formation of Eight Wage Board Award. He said that the government is in the process of finalizing names for the board in consultation with all the stakeholders.

Moreover, he said that Chairman Implementation Tribunal for Newspaper Employees (ITNE) will also be appointed.

A welfare fund would also be set up for the media men and the provincial governments would contribute to this fund, he said.

The provincial assemblies of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa had backed demands of the journalists while Sindh assembly would also approve a resolution in their support in the next session, the secretary added.

On the occasion, the president PFUJ Afzal Butt and the president RIUJ Ali Raza Alvi said that the journalist organizations would continue to strive for protection and promotion of rights of media men.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
All the information published under this Author is via Web desk/Team/Contributors. Opinons and views of the Organization may differ from the views represented here

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