Vehicle of Saudi Embassy was attacked in Paris and robbers took away sensitive documents from vehicle

WorldVehicle of Saudi Embassy was attacked in Paris and robbers took away...

Vehicle of Saudi Embassy was attacked in Paris and robbers took away sensitive documents from vehicle.

Vehicle of Saudi Embassy was attacked in Paris and robbers took away sensitive documents from vehicle Dubai: A vehicle of Saudi Embassy in Paris was attacked and robbers took away some sensitive documents along with a cash of 250,000 euros from a member of Saudi Royal family.

According to Middle Eastern Media Agency, motorcade of a Saudi prince in Paris was attacked when he was going to airport from Saudi embassy on late Sunday in northern Paris. Gulf News also confirmed the story.

According to police, the vehicle that was used by robbers were tracked down and police found the vehicle but it was burnt by robbers after using it—leaving no traces for police to find who was behind this attack and what was motive of the attack.

Diplomatic circles in Middle East were giving special attention to this event and believe that it was more than a robbery and attackers could be after sensitive documents that were carried by member of Saudi Royal family.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
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