China supports 13,427 projects across 165 countries worth $843 billion, indicates AidData Report

WorldChina supports 13,427 projects across 165 countries worth $843 billion, indicates AidData...

Monitoring Desk: China is supporting 13,427 projects across 165 countries worth $843 billion, indicates AidData Report.

AidData, the research lab of William & Mary’s Global Research Institute claims that China supports 13,427 projects across 165 countries worth $843 billion.

“The analysis, based on a massive new dataset four years in the making, includes a special focus on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI),” indicates the AidData website.

China supports 13,427 projects across 165 countries worth $843 billion indicates AidData Report
AidData Report of William & Mary’s Global Research Institute

The AidData report, “Banking on the Belt and Road,” offers a bird’s-eye view of China’s geo-economic strategy before and after the introduction of the BRI in 2013. Projects were financed by more than 300 Chinese government institutions and state-owned entities. The new 2.0 Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset covers projects approved between 2000 and 2017 and implemented between 2000 and 2021. It is the most comprehensive dataset of its kind.

United States is quite vocal against Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and US President Biden believes that China wants to grab global political leverage through BRI while China says that BRI is an opportunity for everybody, particularly to developing countries. US and EU have serious differences over this subject also as many EU countries consider BRI as an opportunity while the US calls it a threat. US-based Think Tanks portray BRI as Debt Trap for developing countries while independent Think Tanks consider BRI a parallel opportunity for countries who want to get out of the clutches of the World Bank and IMF.

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