Ex Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev & his family under thorough investigation

WorldEx Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev & his family under thorough investigation

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan: The Pervomay District Court of Bishkek has allowed the concerned authority to confiscate documents related to bank accounts of Kyrgyzstan’s former President Almazbek Atambayev and his family members, as well as, data of their cell phones from 2009 onwards, said a report by Eurasia Diary.

As per the Court’s ruling, documents of following bank accounts will be seized; Bishkek branch of the National Bank of Pakistan, BTA Bank, Demir Bank,  Bai Tushum Bank, Bank of Asia, Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank, Tolubay Bank, Aiyl Bank, Capital Bank, Bakai Bank, Dos-Kredobank, Commercial Bank Kyrgyzstan, Eurasian Savings Bank, RSK Bank, FinanceCreditBank, Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan, EcoIslamicBank, Optima Bank, RK Amanbank, Rosinbank,  Kyrgyzkommertsbank, FINCA Bank, Chang An Bank, and Kompanion Bank.

Whereas persons, whose cell phones data and bank accounts information will be gathered, include Atambayev Almazbek Sharshenovich, Atambayeva Raisa Mirahmedovna, Atambayev Kadyrbek Almazbekovich, Atambayeva (Shagieva) Aliya Almazbekovna, Atambayev Seilbek Almazbekovich, Atambayev Seitbek Almazbekovich, Atambayeva Diana Almazbekovna, Atambayeva Dinara Almazbekovna, Sharshenov Nurbek Valibekovich, Shagiyeva Luisa Faritovna, Shagiyeva Albina Ramilyevna, Bayburin Arthur Vilorovich, Bayburina Lilia Tavfikovna, Rakhmadzhanova Jibek Manasovna, Satybaldiyeva Aelita Jumabekovna, Bektimirov Rais Erikovich, Shagiyev Ramil Minahmedovich, Abdullayev Kairat Turdadzhievich, Parhati Subihi Vufuerovich, Temirbekov Aziz Payzullaevich, Ahmet Kaya, and Musakeev Damir Sagyndykovich.

It is worth noting that the Court granted the permission in reply to a plea filed by the Investigator – Prosecutor of the Military Prosecution of Kyrgyzstan.

Earlier on June 20, the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan adopted a resolution on bringing charges against the former President Almazbek Atambayev to strip him of his status of ex-President.

Almazbek Atambayev was accused of “illegal freeing of crime boss Aziz Batukayev from prison, concealment of income, illegal land purchase, corruption in the modernization of the Bishkek power plant and the illegal supply of coal to the power plant, suppressing and persecution of opponents.”

However, Atambayev slammed the Parliament, and said that accusations against him are “completely absurd, have no legal ground and are based on rumors.”

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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